Special Exam Requests

Workers' comp icon

Independent Medical Exam (IME)
Comprehensive Second Opinion (CSO)

Thank you for choosing OrthoArkansas for your special service request. Our orthopedic trained physicians have the expertise to evaluate for compensability, appropriate diagnoses and treatment. We look forward to providing the utmost care to the patient and providing clear and timely communication with the scheduling party.

Contact Workers’ Compensation Team

Phone: 501-500-1750
Email: workcomp@orthoarkansas.com


Medical Records:
Complete medical records along with a cover letter are required for each special exam.

Records are accepted two ways:
By Email: workcomp@orthoarkansas.com

By Mail: 800 Fair Park Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72204 ATTN: Workers Compensation Department

All prior imaging related to this compensable body part must be provided prior to — or at the time of appointment.

Procedure for Scheduling Exam

  • The Special Exam Request Form and complete medical records will be presented to the physician for review/consideration
  • If the physician agrees to the special exam, an invoice will be sent to the requesting party for pre-payment
  • Appointment will be scheduled


REQUEST A SPECIAL EXAM BY SUBMITTING THE FORM BELOW. This information will be sent directly to our Workers’ Compensation Team, and someone will respond promptly.