Beginning at our Urgent Care clinic, we help workers get diagnosed, treated, rehabilitated, and back to work.
Expert treatment for the injured and employer
Employers must be diligent when it comes to providing safe work environments for their employees. This involves a careful combination of safeguarding employees through education of safety policies, providing proper training and equipment, and most importantly-—clear communication before and after work-related injuries occur.
A study by the Workers’ Compensation Research Group concluded that coordinated communication between workers’ compensation claimants, employers, medical professionals, and all other involved parties is essential to moving claims along to resolution. Clear communication throughout the process leads to better outcomes for all.
Seamless system for recovery and resolution
Clear communication is an abstract concept without context. For employers, communication starts before an injury occurs. Although injured employees have the option to seek the care of their choice, for the most part, employers can offer resources for their workers. Employees can be provided with a list of urgent care clinics, walk-in clinics, and emergency rooms as a planning resource in the event of the need for immediate care for work-related injuries.
When an individual has experienced an orthopedic injury: trauma to the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, OrthoArkansas provides immediate and specialized care for your employees and your compensation claims.
Our Urgent Care Clinic is open Monday through Saturday to treat orthopedic emergencies. On-site X-ray and MRI equipment provide immediate results to aid in determining appropriate treatment recommendations and return-to-work releases.
Our specialty physicians provide expert care for non-emergencies. We have multiple specialists who treat common injuries from sustained repetitive stress activities and who can assist workers in accessing care that gets them back to work sooner.
Worker’s Compensation covers an array of injuries, not simply trauma from heavy manual labor. Cumulative trauma, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from typing and other repetitive stress tasks, amounts to a large portion of current worker’s compensation claims.
Keeping everyone in the loop
Clear communication must also happen behind the scenes. Our seamless and comprehensive system aims to avoid delays in treatment and focus on returning the employee to their pre-injury status as soon as possible. This open communication approach includes close interaction with the adjusters and case managers assigned to the claim and coordinating a plan of care.
After a Workers’ Compensation employee is seen, OrthoArkansas reports back to the adjuster or nurse case manager typically by the next morning. We work with the nurse case managers and adjusters throughout the decision-making process and keep them updated every step of the way.
Our physicians have extensive experience working and communicating with adjusters and case managers to coordinate the care for workers who have been injured on the job. They understand Arkansas’ Workers’ Compensation laws, rules and policies. Not only are our physicians experienced with work-related injuries, but they provide detailed documentation to assist the adjuster/case manager and help tailor the medical care according to employer protocols.
Less stress for all
If an injury happens on the job or an employee files a compensation claim, clear communication is crucial. Immediately opening lines of communication can help employees receive better care and employers resolve claims efficiently. Access to timely specialized care can speed patient recovery and claim resolution. Dealing with Workers’ Compensation claims can be an overwhelming process, but OrthoArkansas can lessen the stress for everyone involved.
Beginning at our Urgent Care clinic, we help workers get diagnosed, treated, rehabilitated, and back to work.
Questions? If you are an HR Director, Office Claims Specialist, Case Manager, or Adjuster, we can help.